Hand drawn portraits from photos


Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers to them. Before you ask me a question, check if the answer is not below.

Orders must be placed some time in advance. There is a waiting list. Write to me to find out what the nearest date is now available. 

It is possible to draw a portrait of the whole person/syllable, ask about the price of such a portrait.

Drawings are sent in a tube specially designed for this purpose. Framed portraits are sent in specially protected boxes.

I send the drawings by UPS courier

It is possible to place more people on a portrait/cartoon, then the price will vary depending on the format and technique. Ask for the price.

It is possible to draw one portrait if each person is in a different picture.

Yes, of course. I can frame my portrait on request. The price of the frames depends on the size of the portrait. Ask for the price.

Of course, yes. I send my portraits to different countries through courier companies. The price varies from country to country.